This Christmas was the best one ever. We all received the best gift of all a few days early when Mason was born.
Christmas Eve we went over to Lindsey's to have Christmas with Daddy.
Daddy with his new Garmin
Lindsey did a beautiful job in the dining room setting up for Christmas Eve lunch. And FYI those seat cushions on the chairs my amazing L2 reupholstered them.. herself!
Leslie was coming home that day with Mason so we thought we were going to have to have Daddy's Christmas without her. We were so excited when she said she was coming straight over there from the hospital it just would not be Christmas without all of the L's together.
His Christmas Eve outfit... is he precious or what!
His Christmas Eve outfit... is he precious or what!
Mama came over after Leslie and Chris brought Mason
Bryan and I decided to do our Christmas on Christmas Eve since we had so much to do Christmas day. This was my Christmas pile from B :)
Here was Bryan's Christmas which included his XBox 360 (since his broke)
We always have done Christmas morning at Mama's but since Leslie had just gotten home we took Christmas to her house this year. Mama fixed our traditional breakfast before and fruit as well as pancakes and bacon.
My sweet nephew and his mama
The best gift of all.... MASON
Christmas afternoon we were on the road headed to see B's family where we had Christmas dinner and spent the night. Bryan had to get up early the next day to work out of town. My mother in law and I went shopping the day after and for the first time they had NOTHING in the stores and I do mean nothing. I mainly wanted to get an additional Christmas tree well no such luck they were either ugly or outrageously priced. We still had so much fun looking around and spending time together which we don't get to do very often.
I got so many great things for Christmas here are a few...
Lots of gift cards to Sephora! One of my 2 favorite stores!

lots of these as well which is my other favorite!

gotta love these!
LOTS of ornaments!
and this is the best one ever... Mason's footprint!
Mama had an ornament made of us the picture is from my 30th Birthday party and we love it!

Hallmark - for my Disney/ Character Tree

Hallmark - another for my Disney / Character Tree
I also received 2 Baldwin ornaments LOVE!
Zumba for the Wii - I'll let you know how it goes!

My mother in law gave me this one ... since it was 3 for me and my sisters... so sweet I LOVE it!
Thor - If you have not seen this go get it! I have already watched it twice since I got it.
Money to get some new stuff... always fun!
A massage ... can't wait!
LOTS of Makeup...YAY
Wine of course!!!
and lots of Christmas decorations... I can't get enough!
Looks like you had a great Christmas, Lauren! That Mason is just precious. Next Christmas will be great when he is a one year old!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!!
I thought it was Troy?! Haha. It was a great Christmas :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a great Christmas, Lauren! Congratulations to your sister & to you, Auntie! Mason is adorable!
ReplyDeleteAwww... what an awesome Christmas! Looks a lot like mine... with a new baby being the best present of all!
ReplyDeleteWow your sister is a trooper!!! Not going straight home from the hospital? I'm impressed! So glad y'all all got to be together and had a great Christmas!!