My husband and I will be married for 7 years in September and we have not been able to have our own little miracle. We even tried IUI with no success. Still hoping for one day though. However God has blessed us with two beautiful nieces and a little niece / nephew on the way. I always wondered how I would take it when one of my sisters got pregnant. Ever since I was little the only goal I had was to be a wife and mom. Honestly it scared me to think about one of them having one because I truly thought it would break my heart even though I would be so happy for them because my sisters are my best friends.
Let me say when Leslie came to tell me she was pregnant all of the worries disappeared I have had nothing but overwhelming happiness. Even now I am getting teary eyed but happy tears. This baby will be so loved! So come on Wednesday I really need to know what kind of stuff to start getting for our Christmas baby!!!!
Love you L2 and L3 god gave me all my blessings the day he gave me you for sisters!